Transform Your Online Store with Professional WooCommerce Development

UPentreprise is the perfect agency for those looking to take their WooCommerce store development to the next level. Our experienced e-commerce developers are here to make sure your custom solutions are tailored fit, high-performance, and fully scalable.

UPentreprise is the perfect agency for those looking to take their WooCommerce store development to the next level. Our experienced e-commerce developers are here to make sure your custom solutions are tailored fit, high-performance, and fully scalable.
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Get your WooCommerce store up and running today!

Scalable solutions for all needs WooCommerce Development Services

Scalable solutions for all needs

Our team of veterans can provide a wide range of WooCommerce development services - from mild to wild. We'll work with you to ensure that your project meets all expectations, timelines, and budget restrictions.

High performance and reliable security

We understand how important reliability and security are for any e-commerce project. That's why we make sure our solutions are always up to date with the latest technology trends and guarantee maximum performance.

High performance and reliable security WooCommerce Development Services
Tailor fit solutions just for you WooCommerce Development Services
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Tailor-fit solutions just for you

Every business is unique - so should be their online stores. We create tailor-fit solutions that match your specific needs, making sure your store stands out from the competition.

Featured Case Study

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Featured Case Study

Guillaume Bleau Profile

Let's talk about your need!

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Experienced WooCommerce Developers

Our experienced WooCommerce developers are experts at creating beautiful stores that will create an unbeatable customer experience. Whether you’re a small business or enterprise, we’ll make sure you have the right ecommerce setup to meet your goals – from UI/UX to checkout and loyalty.

Deep WooCommerce Plugins knowledge

Deep WooCommerce Plugins knowledge

We have worked with so many WooCommerce Plugins over the years that we have a broad knowledge of the plugins available on marketplaces and we know the capabilities of existing plugins to make sure your business maximize what is already available to generate quick wins on your e-Commerce.

Custom WooCommerce Plugin Development

Custom WooCommerce Plugin Development

It does not exist already? We will make this unique feature that no one else thought about for you! Our team has developed multiple custom WooCommerce plugins and add-ons to existing plugins to ensure a tailored and personalised experience for your users and your business.

Subscription WooCommerce Configuration

Subscription WooCommerce Configuration

Recurring revenues is the best revenue for any business model. We have multiple use cases of Subscription-based configuration we have made using WooCommerce. Sit back and relax watching monthly subscription fees of your customers being automatically debited and deposited into your account!

Membership WooCommerce Configuration

Membership WooCommerce Configuration

You have very unique content or community that no one else on the Web has? Our experienced team can seal that content or community to be accessible only by your select membership users. With a membership WooCommerce configuration, unlock paid or non-paid content to a privileged group!

Site Management

WooCommerce Support Services

Already all set with WooCommerce but facing some issues or want to have advices on how to leverage some of your e-commerce capabilities? We have you covered! Our developer and consulting team offer WooCommerce Support Services to make sure you are optimizing your website use at all time!


Experienced WooCommerce Developers

Our experienced WooCommerce developers are experts at creating beautiful stores that will create an unbeatable customer experience. Whether you’re a small business or enterprise, we’ll make sure you have the right ecommerce setup to meet your goals – from UI/UX to checkout and loyalty.

Deep WooCommerce Plugins knowledge

Deep WooCommerce Plugins knowledge

We have worked with so many WooCommerce Plugins over the years that we have a broad knowledge of the plugins available on marketplaces and we know the capabilities of existing plugins to make sure your business maximize what is already available to generate quick wins on your e-Commerce.

Custom WooCommerce Plugin Development

Custom WooCommerce Plugin Development

It does not exist already? We will make this unique feature that no one else thought about for you! Our team has developed multiple custom WooCommerce plugins and add-ons to existing plugins to ensure a tailored and personalised experience for your users and your business.

Subscription WooCommerce Configuration

Subscription WooCommerce Configuration

Recurring revenues is the best revenue for any business model. We have multiple use cases of Subscription-based configuration we have made using WooCommerce. Sit back and relax watching monthly subscription fees of your customers being automatically debited and deposited into your account!

Membership WooCommerce Configuration

Membership WooCommerce Configuration

You have very unique content or community that no one else on the Web has? Our experienced team can seal that content or community to be accessible only by your select membership users. With a membership WooCommerce configuration, unlock paid or non-paid content to a privileged group!

Site Management

WooCommerce Support Services

Already all set with WooCommerce but facing some issues or want to have advices on how to leverage some of your e-commerce capabilities? We have you covered! Our developer and consulting team offer WooCommerce Support Services to make sure you are optimizing your website use at all time!

The key features and benefits you can get from WooCommerce Development

  • Product Management

    Product Management

    Allows users to add, manage, and organize products with detailed information such as product descriptions, prices, and images.

  • Order Management

    Order Management

    Facilitates the management of orders, including order tracking, fulfillment, and refunds.

  • Shipping and Tax Options

    Shipping and Tax Options

    Offers flexible shipping and tax options, including shipping rates calculation, tax classes, and zones.


WooCommerce Plugin

Professional Agency

WooCommerce Development Service

  • Customer Management

    Customer Management

    Manages customer accounts, including order history and billing information.

  • Reports and Analytics

    Reports and Analytics

    Generates sales reports, customer reports, and other important analytics data to help monitor and grow the business.

  • Customizable Themes and Plugins

    Customizable Themes and Plugins

    WooCommerce provides a range of customizable themes and plugins that allow users to extend and enhance the functionality of their online store.

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